

Will a censure bill against Kan administration be passed?

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Will a censure bill against Kan administration be passed?

It was second time in a few years that we paid strong attention to what happened next about political management.  Most of Japanese watched or listening to the radio which would win as the party leader, Kan or Ozawa 10 months ago.

Kan announced that he would step down Prime Minister position after he can settle down coincidental disasters such as huge earthquake and nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima prefecture.

After he finished his speech,  Hatoyama, who was a cofounder of Democratic Party, changed his mind and directed his party member not to support untrustworthy bill and unite one as aparty.

I became exhausted because it was just political sharede. 

Eventually the bill was not passed because it was under majority.

Ozawa did not join the bill and he commented some media that it was right for Prime Minister Kan to decide his resignation.

In my opinion, both administrative party and opposition party seem to forget what they should prioritize such as recovery from disaster and support the affected people.

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