

How should we prepare for natural disasters?

It 's not the only Japan but also other Asia Pacific countries such as New Zealand and Australia that have been affected by natural disaster.


 The Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano, which is located  in Chile, erupted last week. Wind carried huge amounts of ashes through the air from Chile to both Australia and New Zealand, which postponed almost all flights in both countries  from taking off.

According to breaking news from Yahoo Japan,  large scale earthquake struck again in Christ Church, New Zealand this morning. The scale of the earthquake was 6.0 magnitude.


We should care about unexpected disaster individually, but how can we cope with natural disaster?

The answer may lie in the old stone tablets inscribed with Our ancestor's warning, which was built by past Aneyoshi villagers in Miyako city, Iwate Prefecture. One New York times reporter wrote about this topic.

This epitaph says ''Living high place can provide our children and offspring for peace and calm life. Don't build the house below here''. This stone was built after Showa tsunami, which struck Aneyoshi and swept away many lives in 1933.

After recent disasters in Tohoku, citizens in Tohoku area gradually begin to face past lesson again and look for the recovery plan how they should create for children's and offspring's happy future.

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