

Business trip to Kyushu

Although it is fine and it is the good day for athletic festival, I am in the cloudy emotion.
My daughter's school were scheduled to hold sports event last week, but it was postponed due to bad weather. I double-booked my job schedule and her sports festival today, so I reluctantly have to choose business trip to Kyushu, where we discuss how we develop our business in the new fiscal year.

Although most of the department in my company didn't reach their goal, my department only successfully achieved sales goal, which is the first time in these seven years. Consequently our company gave us special opportunity to hold business meeting, where we can ease our anxiety about nuclear radioactive substance and earthquake.

I took this picture from my room at the hotel.

When I was a university student, famous singer ' Sting' came to this hotel resort.

He sang my favorite song 'Englishman in New York ' at that concert.

And I bought two bottles of rare Japanese whiskey. One is 'Kawagoe' and the other one is 'Bakudan Hanatare(爆弾ハナタレ)' at the basement shop.

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