

Bhutan King's speech in Japan.

Which country should people choose to live? On economically rich but mentally ill or mentally rich but economically developing? In my case, I want to live in the mentally saturated society, so I want to live in a place like Bhutan.

Honestly speaking, Bhutan's King and Queen, who came from the most mentally prosperous country  in the world, gave Japanese many hints to live happy life. They visited Japan this week. After they got hospitabilty from Japanese VIP, they visited Soma city, Fukushima Prefecture, where residents are still suffering from devastating tsunami and nuclear accidents at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Royal couple met local residents and gave them strong and cheerful message.

King told the residents that everyone has Dragon in each mind. The dragon can grow stronger if it faces and overcomes tough situation. He was sure that people in Fukushima can raise mighty dragon and revive from this plight. He commented that Japan absolutely will recover from tough situation in the future. He expressed appreciation from aid from Japan. One Japanese has support agriculture in Butan and made Butan flourlished drastically than before.

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