

Global Japanese Part Ⅰ Wild Cat like- Neko Hiroshi

Recently Japan has  been getting tiny like a cat's forehead for open-minded Japanese. Some of the Japanese comedians have become busy because their activity expand dually and globally.

Neko Hiroshi, who is an comedian and has his radio program every Wendsday at local radio, got the nationality of Cambodia.


In his profession, he may be a cat in sheep's clothing(Nekokaburi). But when it comes to runnning, he always shows his real ability. He participated in famous half Marathon which was held in Cambodia last December. He won bronze medal at that contest.

Cambodian Olympic Association admitted his ability and offered him to join the representative as Cambodia athlete for the next Olympic. He will join the South East Asian Marathon contest as a Cambodia representative next time. I hope his success as a international runner!!

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