

After the disaster

I would like to offer my sympathy and condolence to people in Tohoku area who are affected on the devastating earthquake, subsequent massive tsunami, and damaged nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture. 

Let's get back to our main story. Although I've commented that I promised to update my blog about "Tokyo love story" like topic, "for better or worse," it headed to an unexpected direction. My boss, who is on the edge of singlehood crisis, tried to grasp her, but she escaped from his territory. I realized that I need to correct this story to prepare a second round of matchmaking. I have been idle to update my blog site for nearly a month because I have suffered from a slight post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Honestly speaking, I hesitated to go to Cairns, Australia because I did not feel like enjoying any leisure at the sight of miserable disaster. But it was not easy to cancel the trip for the following reasons: first of all, we planned to go to the southern island six months ago , so  my daughters looked forward to seeing koalas and kangaroos. We needed to pay a lot of cancelation fees to our travel agency if we do.

 So we we decided to go to Cairns.

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