

More than 100 viewers visited my site!!

I am very glad to see some viewers access my blog, and the good news is that viewers subscribed to my blog site as a reader!!
I'll definitely make my blog exciting and up-to-date.

My online English teachers who are from the  Philippines are cheering  me up to recover from the disastrous situation.

I think we need to bridge the gap between inside and outside information because some teachers worry about the future in the world. It is true that nuclear accident was caused by a disaster,. But we should acknowledge that human disaster made things worse, such as rumor and equivocal information from the officials in the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, government and Prime Minister.

I'll upload latest infomation in Japan soon.

The following site can explain why Japanease nuclear authority decided to upgrade the standard of nuclear crisis in Fukushina to the level '7'. I'm sorry this site is written in Japanease, but you can get correct information through translation application.


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