

Is the burning issue really over?

The suicidal blazes that happened in Shinkansen last week left traces in Japan, where the public safty is said to the best in the world. We've never heard this kind of shocking news in related to Shinkansen. In this accident, more than twenty passengers were injured and one passenger died from suffocation. Compared with other middle east countries, the suicidal burning this time is not related to terrorist attack. The cause of incident was about the self distruction.

The man who commited suicide was  in deep debt. He didn't have enough money to pay for the rental fee for his apartment. He told his local official, who was in charge of social walfare service,  that he doesn't want to live any more because his pension is not enough to support did his daily needs  and especially with monthly payment. He reached deadlock in his life and consequently he bought one way ticket to the demolition with collateral damage.

In my opinion, this is just the tip of iceberg. According to the survey done by the Japanese Healthcare and Labor Ministry in 2013, it said that 62.4% of the families felt their lives were very tough due to the consumption tax hike from 5% to 8% in 2013. Many citizens who start to complain about thier hardships gradually increasing increasing now. If these random suicide recur at public transportation or public place, ordinary citizens may become victims again. We should make safety net that can save the poor people to extinguish burning social alienation issue.

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