

Summer of 2018

This year we have the most bitter summer in these decades. Stranded low pressure in southern west of Japan poured huge amount of rain especially in Chugoku regions two weeks ago.
The residents who lived in Hiroshima experienced deadly landslides and floods. In this region, more than 200 victims were affected by terrible natural disaster. Especially in Hiroshima 68 residents of total 200 casualities were killed by the catastrophy.
The scale of the calamity was beyond our imagination this time.

The rivers that have never been over flood were inundated at many places, consequently more than 5,000 houses were destroyed by the large scale disaster. 

What was worse, due to the destruction of infrastructures, such as sewage, pipline for fresh water were also devastated, water shortage affect the restoration of the aftermath.

Furthermore, heat wave also bring more burden for affected people because they suffer from poor water supply. We strongly hope that affected people will recover from disastrous situation.

Hiioshima experienced terrible landslides 4 years ago, which deprived almost 100 lives in northern west of Hiroshima. Even though sun shined after the torrential rains, the wild pond on top of some mountain collaposed, cosequentlly it caused another unexpected flood on sunny day. The unexpected flood ruined the affected region again.

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