

How can we overcome the global food crisis?

According to UN Population Fund reports, the  population in the world has reached 70 billion this year. This number will increase to100 billion in the begining of 22th centrury. It is inevitable for us to think about the food shortage problem seriously because overpolulation will threaten not only the balance of our daily food supply but also that of future generations.
To avoid food shortage, we should take following actions to abate this problem. One thing is, to expand genetically modified food to the poor country.  Crops that is resitant to dry and grow rapidly can meet people in poor country. They need minimun food that they can survive in the quandary. Second is to give poor people education to minimize birth rate. Having more baby can be a burden for food supply.
The last thing is to make use of land that can be cultivated. In Japan, uncultivated lands are increasing, while poor people don't have enough land to grow crops. We should recultivate these land so that we can be self sufficient in food.

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