

How can we overcome extravagant food issues?

Frankly speaking, Japan is a special country that suffers from sumptuous problems, which never happen to the countries facing abjected poverty. Although we have enough affluent and bountiful land to cultivate crops, government has restricted or demorilized farmers from producing crops. If people in poor countries such as Ethiopia or Somaria know about that, they might get angry with us. Globally thinking, we are living in a strange country which has left an affluent land abandoned and uncultivated for dacades.

Japan, farmlands left uncultivated for a long time, and dwindling and aging famer issues has dominated agricultural field domestically, encounters such unlikely problem of uncultivated land that other poor countries could actually envy us.

There are several reasons for that. First of all, transition to domestic industry structures, Japanese government sifted agriculture focused industry into manufucture after WWⅡ. On top of that, as the land price of Japan is basically very high, so land owners have shifted their farm land into a factory or office, commerce building because they can earn more profit rather than the first industry.

Firstly, it is essential for Japanese government to make the best of uncultivated land to increase food supply. the land should be monetary and properly rewarded if it can produce bountiful crops. Second is, employment matching. Government should encourage unversity students, who seek job oppotunity but have difficulty in finding it due to bad economy, to enter the agricultural business. They can be the strong candidate for tackling with these problems and revitalizing domestic food business. Third is, to beef up the strength of agricultural products. As our government decided to agree TPP, we will have to open our food market to foreign competitor in the future. We should strengthen the competitiveness of the domestic food and bring them into foreign market to win the global competition.

In conclusion, there are a lot of thing that we can do for agricultural crisis, so we surely settle down this issue.

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