

Is he the Saviour of Osaka?

This man, whose name is Hashimoto Tooru, successfuly got rid of the former termite king from the insect colony. His lethal weapon was not insecticide but the ''Osaka Metropolitan Vision"  that consolidates Osaka City and Osaka Prefecture, which is supported by Osaka citizens.

Osaka City was dominated by lax city officials including the former city governor. They kept on wasting tax revenue in constructing similar buildings like museums. They also made a lot of affilliated organizations and overlooked the duplicate projects across the city so that they could retain their vested interest. Consequently, the finance of Osaka City got critically worse and in the verge of bankrupcy like Greece's.

Hashimoto, a former Osaka prefectural governor, denounced that the Osaka City local officals were a myriad of termites which devoured tax. He announced that ancient regime needed to be demolished and overhauled. As he felt he needed to interfere with local administration to stop the financial crisis, he resigned from the position of prefectural governor and aggresively joined the mayoral election in Osaka City. Although the former city governor was endorsed by Japanese Democratic Party and Liberal Democratic Party, Hashimoto defeated him with the strong support from the furious Osaka citizens.

Before he tapped into the local administration, his main job was being a lawyer. He stole the limelight when he appeared on a famous TV program—''The law firm that attracts a long line of people." His aggresive comments and strong character captured the viewers, and that TV program has been running for more than nine years now. As he was keen to local government administrations, he decided to run as Osaka prefectural governor and won the elections.

He aggressively streamlined the local administration to recover from a bad financial status. He succeeded in municipal services drastically, and the city's financial condition is going upward now. I hope he will succeed in making termites-like servants real servants for citizens, and then make his way into metropolitan Tokyo's pandemonium.

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