

Looking back to 2011

I have been updated my blog more than 80times in 2011. I appreciated that many people gave cherful message and help my writing in Enlgish.
I thought almost all Japanese have had jetcoaster riding like experience ranging from devastating tsunami, huge earthquake, new clear accident in Fukushima Daiichi powerplant, to the contaminated radioactive substance issue. Honestly speaking, I have never experienced such horrible year than before. I don't want say it was a apocaliptic event, but we need to review so that we can learn how we can overcome this disaster coming new year. I gave condolence to affected and missing people again and I will do my best to restore normal condition in Tohoku region in the near future.
Through these tough lesson, I realized that Japanese have the respectful nationality that can help affected people when they face tough situation.

There was a good news. Nadesiko Japan(Female Japanese Soccer team) got the championship at the female soccer world cup.Their win gave depressed Japanese a lot of energies.

Globally looking, authoritiy transitions, what is called 'Arab Spring', sporadically happened in Sabsahara.
The pressure from citizens toppled Colonel Gaddafi and President Mubarak regime.
Credit crunch has convulsed European Union society. Salcogi and Merkel is trying to stabilize the European Economy.

I will keep on being update my blog and thinking globally.

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