

How should we defeat the TPP monster?

As people in the world historically fear unknown threat like Basilisk in ancient anecdotes or Godzilla in modern age, people try to shun these things in daily life. It may be true to the TPP issue in Japan. Maehara Seiji, the chairman of Policy Bureau, commented that TPP was like a monster that haunted anxious Japanese mind.
Previously, I sided with the opposition, but I try to attack this monster in a different perspective. I turned to understand what it is like to join the TPP. I wrongly commented at my previous blog, so I corrected it today.

This time medical service fields are exempted from TPP negotiation. The Japanese Medical Association fiercely opposed the TPP since they fear the medical industry might turn into a profit-generating service.

 Australia and New Zealand are also against the insufficient inspection of BSE-contaminated meat, pesticide-contaminated vegetables,  and genetically modified food entering the domestic market.
Japan will do the same thing and impede the import of low-quality and suspicious meat and produce.

Besides these negotiable fields, we will have to revise our business and other civil law to ratify the TPP.  We need to dig deeper into the background why this TPP monster springs up.  We have not known whole and true image of TPP. Government should disclose all information that they have to the public. Citizens can't judge wether they should  support TPP or not.

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