

How much should we depend on nuclear energy?

It a pity that I have updated gloomy topic at my site, but we have to face these serious problem directly and overcome our plight.

Ongoing nuclear accident in Fukushima is up to involving companies and officials, so what we can do now is to believe them, wait and see until they stem the nuclear trouble.

checkered strategy for energy policy in Europe counties.

Because of Germany citizen's  strong opposition against nuclear power plant, German gorvenment had no choice but to revise their energy policy and declared that they would phase out all of the 17 domestic nuclear power plants by 2022. 


Externally they will seem nearly independent in nuclear energy, but they keep on importing from the electricity from the nuclear power plants in France.

So when we look from outside of Europe, the reliance of nuclear energy across Europe will not change so much.

The other concern is rising cost of production. They cann't avoid cost increase if they use alternative energy such as fire or solar power. They need more coals.  Eventually the price hike of cost of good sold lessen international competitiveness.

So far less nuclear energy seems to be double edge sowrd.

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