

I bought a Geiger counter!!

Last month, I bought a Geiger-Müller counter through the Internet. The reason I bought one was I wanted to check our present radiation level with my own eyes. After a large-scale explosion occurred in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, I was not able to trust anything that our government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Corp.) announced because they kept on making this accident unclear and hiding important information. They never admitted any critical changes until they could not control information from spreading  such as huge amount of radioactive-contaminated seawater and plutonium dispersion in the neighboring areas. Furthermore, the fact that nuclear core fuel had already melted down in the next three days after it was stricken by tsunami on March 11th.
Some media reported and criticized how the government twisted and bent facts on their own advantage.

Although the government and TEPCO were already aware  of the seriousness of the situation, they decided to put these matters aside and just downplay this critical time through media.
After they succeeded in  preparing citizens for the pessimistic reality, they finally declared that a massive catastrophe eventually occurred.  So far they succeeded in putting typical Japanese at ease and less allergic about their warning. But I am the last one who trusts their information at face value.  

Going back to the main story, I have waited for a month, finally it arrived. When I recieved the counter, I was very surprised because...

The counter was packed with crampled Chinese newspaper!

I didn't know that it was made in China until I received it. Although I paid exorbitant money, I couldn't believe it!  Then, I opened the wrap,  I found the crampled product warranty!!

It ensued us a year of free service or repair.   The manual was written in Chinese, so I needed to translate it into English or Japanese. I scanned it and sent it to my Chinese teacher who lives in China.    Although my poor Chinese reading skill didn't work well, I was able to start the counter by pushing the power button. After beep buzzer alarmed, digital display began to show the number.   After I manipulated this button in many ways, I found that this counter automatically measures radiation levels, so we just needed a manual if we need to set it manually. 

I will try to update the data to my blog.

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