


Radiation level report June 22th 2011

According to today's measurement by my guiger counter,

It detected ''1.21 micro sievert''.


Radiation Level Report, June 20th 2011

According to today's my guiger counter, it detected ''0,151 μ seivert''


Radiation level report June 17th, 2001

According to today's guiger counter data, it detect ''1.31micro sievert''


Why does official reported radiation levels tend to be lower?

 Citizen's pressure on government to set additional monitoring post, which is 1.5 m high from the ground, is increasing in Japan.

Some citizens who are seriously concern about the quantity of radiation in their daily life get geiger counter through the Internet so that they can measure radiation level individually.

Amateur inspectors including me measure how much radioactive substances they are exposed to. As more people have that counter, they begin to find that individually measured data are twice as much as that of officially reported data.  Then they tenaciously upload their data to their blogs or web sites.

A critical incident was developed by one politician. He was so suspicious about the government's data that he bought a geiger counter and  checked how much is the radiation level around him. He measured radiation level with his counter as much as he could. For example he measured in the lawn near the Imperial palace and in the intersection of Kasumigaseki, which is the very center of Japan. After he found that his counter detected twice as much as that of the offical data, he aggresively commented about his investigation in the famous weekly magazine, which ignited explosive citizen's complaint about underestimated public data.

Consequently Japanese government acknowledged that they needed to have more offical detectors and they decided to add more monitoring points at average human height.

To tell the truth, government didn't try to underestimate their data.The reason they use such a tall monitoring post is the following reason:
 While the world were polarized during cold war era, many countries such as China, Russia, Soveit Union, and U.S. executed several nuclear tests in the air.

As a result, Japanese government became scared about nuclear contamination and decided to built monitoring posts so that they could measure the radiation level from the outside Japan. To detect the number precisely, they needed to build tall monitoring posts because if they were built low, monitor sensed natural radiations. Natural radiations are prone to stay long on the ground, so the detectors may catch unnecessary radiation and they can't measure correctly.

So far, the average data is double compared with official ones. In my opinion, so far we are safe in relation to the radiation data in the air.

If government had given more correct and precise information in advance , people might not have been so skeptical about nuclear accident trouble.

Radiation level report June 16th, 2011

According to my radiation counter, it detected ''0.15 micro sievert''.


Radiation level report June 15th, 2011

According to data from my guiger counter, it detected '''0,132 micro severit''

I'm sorry my counter will be back to Fukushima because my friend will go to Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture.

After it will be back,  my customer, who has family in Fukushima Prefecture requested me to borrow my giger counter. It will be back Fukushima three times this months.


Radiation level report June 14th, 2011

Finally my Giger counter has come home safely. It played important role in detecting radiation level in Fukushima Prefecture. The data from my counter clearly measured safty number, so my colleague's wife
was able to feel safe after she checked my counter.

According to today's measurement, It points '1.37 micro sievert'.


How should we prepare for natural disasters?

It 's not the only Japan but also other Asia Pacific countries such as New Zealand and Australia that have been affected by natural disaster.


 The Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano, which is located  in Chile, erupted last week. Wind carried huge amounts of ashes through the air from Chile to both Australia and New Zealand, which postponed almost all flights in both countries  from taking off.

According to breaking news from Yahoo Japan,  large scale earthquake struck again in Christ Church, New Zealand this morning. The scale of the earthquake was 6.0 magnitude.


We should care about unexpected disaster individually, but how can we cope with natural disaster?

The answer may lie in the old stone tablets inscribed with Our ancestor's warning, which was built by past Aneyoshi villagers in Miyako city, Iwate Prefecture. One New York times reporter wrote about this topic.

This epitaph says ''Living high place can provide our children and offspring for peace and calm life. Don't build the house below here''. This stone was built after Showa tsunami, which struck Aneyoshi and swept away many lives in 1933.

After recent disasters in Tohoku, citizens in Tohoku area gradually begin to face past lesson again and look for the recovery plan how they should create for children's and offspring's happy future.


Inogashira Zoo

Today we went to inogashira zoo, which is close to JR Kochijoji station. I have gone to this zoo more than five times, actually our last visit was this Golden Week.

My junior daughter really liked to see and touch animals, her favorite event in this zoo was to touch and hold guinea pig. Children were allowed to hold this animal at their gauge and she eagerly had it sitting on the wooden chair. She seemed to be happy with this event.

After seeing the gueni pigs, we went to see the most popular animal in the zoo. Her name is 'Hanako'. She is the oldest elephant in Japan. She is sixty three years old.

Fortunately we saw her enjoying her lunch. Breeding staff at the zoo prepared her banana,
carrots, and straw. I worried if she is in a healthy condition or not because she ate only banana.


What kind of general election in Japan now?

Generally speaking, election is held every four years, I suppose many people misunderstand that general election is about political events, but these days it actually related to top idle in AKB48.  Unlike nortmal the general election, top of the idle in AKB48(Akiba 48)is to be chosen by how much their fun support her. In my opinion, Idle has gone forever internationally and they are still with us like Michel Jackson.

When I was a junior high school students, most of male in this generation might be one of the  Onyanko club member, which was produced by a professional girls are producer. the impressive girI  was Kawai Sonoko because she was calm and beautiful.


I have battled with one of a Sayuri Kokusyo fan severely. I corrected many promydo about Onyanko idles. These day I am amaezed at former producer's rebirth in popular idle among youngsters.

'Tsukushino athletic park'

As My daughter got this Monday off because her school held athlete festival last Saturday, I took my daughters to 'Tsukushino athletic park', which is located in Yokohama city, Kanagawa prefectue.

Most of the public parks are closed on every Monday, so I had difficulty in finding the the place which I was able to entertain my daughters.
The athletic park had more than 50 play ground equipments which were made from woods. Mainly tight loops were tied with woods so that children could walk on it, or walk on the wooden steps. My daughters enjoyed themselves because they experienced many exciting play tools.

Most impressive equipment was three layers wooden building, which was located north east side. I climbed
through the steep and very narrow tied tumber like setting, after I climb to the top then I walk across the tight loop with hanging from other loop. If I wrongly release my hands, I fell down more than 2 meter height and hit by the ground severly.  I also was able to enjoy this athletic park.


How much should we depend on nuclear energy?

It a pity that I have updated gloomy topic at my site, but we have to face these serious problem directly and overcome our plight.

Ongoing nuclear accident in Fukushima is up to involving companies and officials, so what we can do now is to believe them, wait and see until they stem the nuclear trouble.

checkered strategy for energy policy in Europe counties.

Because of Germany citizen's  strong opposition against nuclear power plant, German gorvenment had no choice but to revise their energy policy and declared that they would phase out all of the 17 domestic nuclear power plants by 2022. 


Externally they will seem nearly independent in nuclear energy, but they keep on importing from the electricity from the nuclear power plants in France.

So when we look from outside of Europe, the reliance of nuclear energy across Europe will not change so much.

The other concern is rising cost of production. They cann't avoid cost increase if they use alternative energy such as fire or solar power. They need more coals.  Eventually the price hike of cost of good sold lessen international competitiveness.

So far less nuclear energy seems to be double edge sowrd.


China syndrome in Japan?

According to yahoo Japan's breaking news,
Japanease nuclear officials firstly and officially referred that the possibility of radioactive core fuel might melt through the bottom of core reactor on June 7th, 2011. Generally speaking, it is called 'China syndrome'.


We can learn what is like about 'China Syndrome' from the following the site.


The melted radioactive materials in the core reactor completely fall down through the bottom of the nuclear power plant and then it permeated into the ground. It finally may go under without being cooled and reach on the opposite side of the earth.


Terrible rain in Miyazaki

It rained heavily today. Some of my coworker went to play golf early this morning although it terribly rained. Golf is kind of complicated sports because we can't cancel playing golf due to heavy rain.


Business trip to Kyushu

Although it is fine and it is the good day for athletic festival, I am in the cloudy emotion.
My daughter's school were scheduled to hold sports event last week, but it was postponed due to bad weather. I double-booked my job schedule and her sports festival today, so I reluctantly have to choose business trip to Kyushu, where we discuss how we develop our business in the new fiscal year.

Although most of the department in my company didn't reach their goal, my department only successfully achieved sales goal, which is the first time in these seven years. Consequently our company gave us special opportunity to hold business meeting, where we can ease our anxiety about nuclear radioactive substance and earthquake.

I took this picture from my room at the hotel.

When I was a university student, famous singer ' Sting' came to this hotel resort.

He sang my favorite song 'Englishman in New York ' at that concert.

And I bought two bottles of rare Japanese whiskey. One is 'Kawagoe' and the other one is 'Bakudan Hanatare(爆弾ハナタレ)' at the basement shop.


I bought a Geiger counter!!

Last month, I bought a Geiger-Müller counter through the Internet. The reason I bought one was I wanted to check our present radiation level with my own eyes. After a large-scale explosion occurred in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, I was not able to trust anything that our government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Corp.) announced because they kept on making this accident unclear and hiding important information. They never admitted any critical changes until they could not control information from spreading  such as huge amount of radioactive-contaminated seawater and plutonium dispersion in the neighboring areas. Furthermore, the fact that nuclear core fuel had already melted down in the next three days after it was stricken by tsunami on March 11th.
Some media reported and criticized how the government twisted and bent facts on their own advantage.

Although the government and TEPCO were already aware  of the seriousness of the situation, they decided to put these matters aside and just downplay this critical time through media.
After they succeeded in  preparing citizens for the pessimistic reality, they finally declared that a massive catastrophe eventually occurred.  So far they succeeded in putting typical Japanese at ease and less allergic about their warning. But I am the last one who trusts their information at face value.  

Going back to the main story, I have waited for a month, finally it arrived. When I recieved the counter, I was very surprised because...

The counter was packed with crampled Chinese newspaper!

I didn't know that it was made in China until I received it. Although I paid exorbitant money, I couldn't believe it!  Then, I opened the wrap,  I found the crampled product warranty!!

It ensued us a year of free service or repair.   The manual was written in Chinese, so I needed to translate it into English or Japanese. I scanned it and sent it to my Chinese teacher who lives in China.    Although my poor Chinese reading skill didn't work well, I was able to start the counter by pushing the power button. After beep buzzer alarmed, digital display began to show the number.   After I manipulated this button in many ways, I found that this counter automatically measures radiation levels, so we just needed a manual if we need to set it manually. 

I will try to update the data to my blog.


Will a censure bill against Kan administration be passed?

Weather today is not good.

Will a censure bill against Kan administration be passed?

It was second time in a few years that we paid strong attention to what happened next about political management.  Most of Japanese watched or listening to the radio which would win as the party leader, Kan or Ozawa 10 months ago.

Kan announced that he would step down Prime Minister position after he can settle down coincidental disasters such as huge earthquake and nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima prefecture.

After he finished his speech,  Hatoyama, who was a cofounder of Democratic Party, changed his mind and directed his party member not to support untrustworthy bill and unite one as aparty.

I became exhausted because it was just political sharede. 

Eventually the bill was not passed because it was under majority.

Ozawa did not join the bill and he commented some media that it was right for Prime Minister Kan to decide his resignation.

In my opinion, both administrative party and opposition party seem to forget what they should prioritize such as recovery from disaster and support the affected people.