

Volunteer Activity in Tohoku Part 5

We were able to do our task so smoothly because we familiarized with using rakes and shovels.We collected many debris in a short term. We worked about two hours in the morning, then we went back to the center to eat lunch.
 After our meal, we had the opportunity to  witness miniconcert at the volunteer center. Participants were asked to go back to the hall and we sat down in front of young female duo. The players were two female university students, Chihiro-chan and Aya-chan. Chihiro-chan was from Nagano and Aya-chan from Nagoya. So far they have joined volunteer activities at Shichigahama more than five times. They are engaged in administration of center’s Web site. I was amazed at their diligent dedication. They joined volunteer activities together several times and they figured out later that the two of them share the same interest in music. One could play the guitar and the other Ocarina. They rehearsed several times and then they decided to make their debut at Shichigahama.
First song was ‘Kitano kuni kara’. In English it meant that from the North country.  Those who joined their recital was mesmerized by their mellow song. I was especially moved to tears by their song "Soramo toberuhazu (They Wish They Could Fly)
After the applause rippled through the room, I was enlightened by their heartwarming hospitality. I think that today's youngsters were generally misundersood. They were considered to be shy and mentally weak, but they have a good mentality to help the affected people. Regardless of their intelligence, I think it is essential for us to support someone without expecting anything in return. I decided that I will mold my children to become a kind and considerate adults.

Their cheerful voice contributed to our positive disposition in performing our afternoon task.  We felt that we could extend our help more for the victims, but we didn't have enough time. We went back to our hometown that evening. On my way home, while I was updating my blog through my smartphone in the bus, I additionally decided that I would start playing the Ocarina to deepen my volunteer activities. Besides that, I realized that we need to help the affected people, I'm sure the melodious Ocarina tones can uplift and brighten the depressed. And I could help the people in Tohoku by bringing melodies to their lives.  

Finally, I bought an Ocarina!! I'll be updating how much I will be able to play the Ocarina soon. I will post the contents mixed with global issue and Ocarina later. Please check it up!!

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