

Do we really need to agree with TPP?

TPP has become as boiling as historic landing of Commodore Matthew Perry in Yokosuka, Kanagaw Pref. Japanese citizens are paying attention to TPP, which is an abbreviation of Trans-Pacific Partnership. At first, the media and the government publicized that we absolutely would lag behind other countries especially in agricultural industry if we missed joining this trade aggreement.They focused on farm industry so much that most of the Japanese thought that we should open our countries to other nations in the Pacific region. I am the one of the supporters of TPP.

But, in fact, we realized that our government and the Foreign Affairs Department restricted some information related to TPP because it is a diplomatic issue. Many Japanese don't know that there are a variety of articles that we must agree on in TPP not only on agriculture. There are 24 articles tackled in TPP ranging from medical services down to financial. It covers a lot of industries. If we approve of the TPP, it is possible that our lifestyle will change completely. For example, TPP will abate the quality of medical services in Japan. TPP regards medical services profit oriented-activities, therefore profit seeker hospitals reduce the medical  services that they can't gain enough profit. Consequently, TPP will abate the quality of medical service in Japan. Now I'm taking back my previous stand. Now, I'm totally opposed to TPP.

Before Prime Minister Noda join the discussion table, we need to know what it's all about TPP and assess the impact of aftermath precisely.

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