

Can Government handle bicycle issue in Japan?

On October 25th, Japanese National Police Agency Police officially wheeled out that bicycle riders should basically pass through roadside not the sidewalk.
This announcement hit bicycle rider heavily. They also regarded bicycle as dangerous tools to pedestrian. 

But they have put bicycle related issue aside for more than 40 years. Roads in Japan have been improved for mainly car usage. Reconstruction for the bicycle road depends on how much local official take this serious matter.
These days bicycle riders are increasing due to bad economy and healthy boom. After March 11th earthquake, bicycle commuter has drastically swelled. Along with this, bicycle related accident also surge. According to the report from the traffic safety association, there is around 30,000,000 yen lawcase in the past few years. A female high school students hit a elder woman by her bicycle on her way to school and the woman has suffered partial paralysis. She filed a lawsuit against high school girl and won the case.

We need look for a compromise so that our societies can harmonize with bicycles.

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