

After we went to our accomodation, we exchanged the experience that we had at each site.  One of my colleague who joined chat with victims presented how he felt during his volunteer activity.
At first he had a confidence to comtunicate with affected people just before he got community center. He thought that he could ease their anxiety and cheer them up by sympathazing their miserable situation. Unexpectedly, he was asked not to mention the disaster related issue just before he met them, he was very embarassed at the caution. When they met at the community center,
they had not known each other.   He said that it was his additional surprise. While they were talking, they tended to go back to catastrophic memory, so he spent their energy in keeping his emotion normal while they were chatting.  I realized that the volnteer center played an impmrtant role in this community.

As we have cleaned the site we were assigned, Our third day task was We 

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