

What made Arab change?

People around the world are paying close attention to the future of the Arab region. After the democratic uprising in Egypt has overturned President Mubarak's dynasty, Libyan people's anger took away the tyrannical Colonel Gaddafi's life. The residents in other Sub-Saharan countries are fighting against Ancient Regime.

Some political scientists called this series of civil wars  'Arab spring'. They were triggered by many aspects. One of these, I think, was the social strata. While the rich protect their vested interest, the poors people stayed poor; the more the population increases, the less chance people can find employment. Food prices are soaring, on the other hand, their salarys remain the same.

Second thing was the advancement of information technology. As people start to share current information through Facebook, twitter, and skype. They were updated of tremendous information on the deed of their dictator to the citizens. These digital tools can abet citizens to spread nationwide democratic movement. Internet viewers in the world realized that convinients tools sometimes can be lethal weapon.

After tyrants have gone now, Libian and Egyptian indulge themselves in thier victory transiently. But the goal to be domocratic society may be long way because there's no order in their social system. If same type of dictatorship get the privilage, same thing can happen to Egypt and Libia. So neighboring countries should support their economy and the restructuring of the country.

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