

Report @ English Debate forum

Instead of caring about my family, I attended an English debate seminar sponsored by ESUJ(English Speaking Union of Japan) to improve my debate skills in English. 

This is the first time that I attended this seminar. At first, a frequent debate champion, who is very young but has outstanding ability to defeat other speakers, taught us how to debate and judge the argument between the speakers. He used only paper material.

After his lecture, we saw the debate between the previous champion and person
who have won nationwide debate contests in his studentdays. The proponent was for the government and oponent was antigovernment.

The theme was:

'Government should raise consumption tax.'

At first, the proponents presented their opinion on why the tax hike is needed. In his opinion, they need tax increase because  people in Tohoku need money to build houses and eat food. They insisted that they need 30 trilion yen to save and rebuild Tohoku area. By increasing the tax 1% each year by 2015, they can collect 30 trilion yen. They have little no room for creating revenue except tax raise. We should not burden for future generation. stabilize national finance and revitalize better around future Japan.

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