

Final Summer event: watermelon breaking party

This weekend we joined watermelon breaking party, which was held by the board member of our condo's steerring committee. 

There are some watermelons suddenly exproded in the world becasue they were grown too much chemical to acclerarate theri growth, but this time we were able to enjoy local and safe produce.

I was not able to find the origin because there was no mention of when it started. This watermelon breaking party is generally held by the seaside.
It's one of the Japanese famous scenic attraction in summer.

There are set rules in this event. The participants have to be blindfolded either with a towel or a scarf. Then they have to be rotated at least 5 times according to the rule by the Japan Suika-Wari Association. Then the participant heads to the watermelon guided by the spectators instructions. By only listening to the audience's voice, they try to crack the fruit with the stick.
In the official competition, the beauty of the crack on the fruit determines the winner.

This time many children participated in this party and crack many watermelons.
I ate a lot of watermelons until I became full. 

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