

Inferno about contaminated firewood issue

This year Okuribi  in Kyoto not only caused the burning of the trees but it also set a flame a very hot controversy.

Every summer, residents in Kyoto hold Gozan okuribi, which is one of the major summer feature like Gion festival.  Burning firewoods in mountain slope is a kind of religious ritual to send spirits on the ground back to the underworld. This year artist who lives in Oita prefecture and support Rikuzentakata residents who suffered from devastating Tohoku earthquake and tsunami mediated this events to supply firewoods from affected area.  He negotiated with Rikuzen takata city and contacted to Burning daimonji preservation association, which manage Gozen okuribi events comprehensively. They planned to burn firewood came from pine trees in the Takata-Matsubara scenic area. The trees were knocked down by the March 11 tsunami. They recieved firewood which was engraved in message for the victim and brought them to Kyoto.

But the issue arise from some residents in Kyoto.  Kyoto residents claimed to the department of cultural asset preservation in Kyoto that these pine trees might be contaminated with radioactive substances. Therefore, they requested to stop burning them.  City officials announced that they canceled to burn these trees before they check if there were radioactive chemicals in them.  After that, they got 1,000 complaints through telephone. Complainants insisted that the government in Kyoto should decide to burn these firewoods to ease emotional pain of people from Rikuzentakata.

 After receiving flood of claims, they had no choice but to check how much radioactive materials were contained.  According to their inspection, they were able to find a certain amount of radioactive substances in those firewoods trees. Consequently they officially reanounced that they unwillingly canceled to burn these trees. In my opinon, the government should have decided to burn these trees or not after they finished checking if there were radioactive substance in them.This issue may bring secondary impact into our daily life.

 I wish this inferno will disappear soon. 

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