

Camping in Akikawa valley

The day for the camping had arrived. As I was the organizer of that event, I was very happy to hold it. The participants were children from the same class of a nursery school and their parents. It was a long way for me to get concensus from parents to have overnight camping.

Some wives complained why we planned to do such event, since we didn't have any outdoor activities before. They thought we don't have enough capacity to manage the camping. Some parents wanted to go camping just for a day. On top of that, a pregnant woman who is expecting on the very day of the camping, wanted to join the camp. The begining of this camping was literally chaotic.

Fortunately, other parents, who wanted to go camping and belonged to the majority, supported this plan. After all parents argued about this issue in the meeting, we finally reached the agreement to go camping .

Although we had well-prepared camping tools such as, cooking pot, meshed bowls, tarpaulin, and BBQ meals, the day before the camp, it rained cats and dogs.  I was very worried if we could execute our camping.

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