

Looking back to 2011

I have been updated my blog more than 80times in 2011. I appreciated that many people gave cherful message and help my writing in Enlgish.
I thought almost all Japanese have had jetcoaster riding like experience ranging from devastating tsunami, huge earthquake, new clear accident in Fukushima Daiichi powerplant, to the contaminated radioactive substance issue. Honestly speaking, I have never experienced such horrible year than before. I don't want say it was a apocaliptic event, but we need to review so that we can learn how we can overcome this disaster coming new year. I gave condolence to affected and missing people again and I will do my best to restore normal condition in Tohoku region in the near future.
Through these tough lesson, I realized that Japanese have the respectful nationality that can help affected people when they face tough situation.

There was a good news. Nadesiko Japan(Female Japanese Soccer team) got the championship at the female soccer world cup.Their win gave depressed Japanese a lot of energies.

Globally looking, authoritiy transitions, what is called 'Arab Spring', sporadically happened in Sabsahara.
The pressure from citizens toppled Colonel Gaddafi and President Mubarak regime.
Credit crunch has convulsed European Union society. Salcogi and Merkel is trying to stabilize the European Economy.

I will keep on being update my blog and thinking globally.


To shed and forget all of the  things that we've had this year, my family and I have decided to visit Kusatsu spa resort. From the bus terminal station at shinjyuku, it took us four hours to reach the resort by a bus. Arriving at Kusatsu, the comfortable sulfurous smelling and ubiquitous steam from springs welcomed us. It was snowing outside.


Controversial topic:Japanese Whaling

Is it reasonable for one race to criticize the other country's food culture? Or is it really an issue to put in a discussion table or dining table? In my opinion, it is sometimes worth preserving especially whaling. The whaling issue is now boiling in some neighboring countries especially in southern Pacific area. Japanese whaling research is rammed by Australian Green Peace and Sea Shepherd. Their objective is to terminate our food culture. They created a TV program which justifies their battle against the Japanese fleet.


This TV program is maybe trying to get the affirmation of other people to agree with Sea shepherd's activity. This program can give viewers action scenes like the Pirates of Carribian or something.
When I was a child, my father used to give me a slice of frozen whale meat after he arrived home from work. The fresh and peculiar smell always stimulated my apettite. Seafood culture including whale meat is deeply rooted in Japan. It is said that Japanese whaling has continued for more than 16,000 years.

 It is true that we should not exploit the limited resourses, but we mainly catch a certain amount of Minke whales which have 10 meter length and about 8 tons weight and live in southern hemisphere in accordance with IWC rules. According to the survey on the Minke whales population done by Japanese government in 2008, there were more than 650,000 Minke whales in the southern hemisphere. IWC admitted that we had maintained the total numbers of Minke whales and could preserve them. We have embraced our whale meat culture under global rules. 

While they are developing anti-whaling activity, they are abusing their treasured animals such as Kangaroos, Thylacinus cynocephalus, and dingos. A dingo is a kind of wild dog which Aboligini had as their pet in old age. Dingo always eats sheeps, so Australians think of dingo as menace ,and try to exterminate almost all Dingo. Consequently Dingo has become on the verge of extinction and designated as endangered spices by world Wildlife Fund. Kangaroos, which are one of the iconic animal in Australia, have eaten by Australian as daily foods. Foreign people don't know about it because this fact is not publicly disclosed. Thylacinus cynocephalus, which was one of  the unique Australian animal and has already disappear in the world, were rampantly killed by  European settlers in 20th century.

If someone feel guilty of eating whale meat, then they should learn how Australian treat for their precious animals domestically.


Is he the Saviour of Osaka?

This man, whose name is Hashimoto Tooru, successfuly got rid of the former termite king from the insect colony. His lethal weapon was not insecticide but the ''Osaka Metropolitan Vision"  that consolidates Osaka City and Osaka Prefecture, which is supported by Osaka citizens.

Osaka City was dominated by lax city officials including the former city governor. They kept on wasting tax revenue in constructing similar buildings like museums. They also made a lot of affilliated organizations and overlooked the duplicate projects across the city so that they could retain their vested interest. Consequently, the finance of Osaka City got critically worse and in the verge of bankrupcy like Greece's.

Hashimoto, a former Osaka prefectural governor, denounced that the Osaka City local officals were a myriad of termites which devoured tax. He announced that ancient regime needed to be demolished and overhauled. As he felt he needed to interfere with local administration to stop the financial crisis, he resigned from the position of prefectural governor and aggresively joined the mayoral election in Osaka City. Although the former city governor was endorsed by Japanese Democratic Party and Liberal Democratic Party, Hashimoto defeated him with the strong support from the furious Osaka citizens.

Before he tapped into the local administration, his main job was being a lawyer. He stole the limelight when he appeared on a famous TV program—''The law firm that attracts a long line of people." His aggresive comments and strong character captured the viewers, and that TV program has been running for more than nine years now. As he was keen to local government administrations, he decided to run as Osaka prefectural governor and won the elections.

He aggressively streamlined the local administration to recover from a bad financial status. He succeeded in municipal services drastically, and the city's financial condition is going upward now. I hope he will succeed in making termites-like servants real servants for citizens, and then make his way into metropolitan Tokyo's pandemonium.


How can we overcome extravagant food issues?

Frankly speaking, Japan is a special country that suffers from sumptuous problems, which never happen to the countries facing abjected poverty. Although we have enough affluent and bountiful land to cultivate crops, government has restricted or demorilized farmers from producing crops. If people in poor countries such as Ethiopia or Somaria know about that, they might get angry with us. Globally thinking, we are living in a strange country which has left an affluent land abandoned and uncultivated for dacades.

Japan, farmlands left uncultivated for a long time, and dwindling and aging famer issues has dominated agricultural field domestically, encounters such unlikely problem of uncultivated land that other poor countries could actually envy us.

There are several reasons for that. First of all, transition to domestic industry structures, Japanese government sifted agriculture focused industry into manufucture after WWⅡ. On top of that, as the land price of Japan is basically very high, so land owners have shifted their farm land into a factory or office, commerce building because they can earn more profit rather than the first industry.

Firstly, it is essential for Japanese government to make the best of uncultivated land to increase food supply. the land should be monetary and properly rewarded if it can produce bountiful crops. Second is, employment matching. Government should encourage unversity students, who seek job oppotunity but have difficulty in finding it due to bad economy, to enter the agricultural business. They can be the strong candidate for tackling with these problems and revitalizing domestic food business. Third is, to beef up the strength of agricultural products. As our government decided to agree TPP, we will have to open our food market to foreign competitor in the future. We should strengthen the competitiveness of the domestic food and bring them into foreign market to win the global competition.

In conclusion, there are a lot of thing that we can do for agricultural crisis, so we surely settle down this issue.