

How can we overcome the global food crisis?

According to UN Population Fund reports, the  population in the world has reached 70 billion this year. This number will increase to100 billion in the begining of 22th centrury. It is inevitable for us to think about the food shortage problem seriously because overpolulation will threaten not only the balance of our daily food supply but also that of future generations.
To avoid food shortage, we should take following actions to abate this problem. One thing is, to expand genetically modified food to the poor country.  Crops that is resitant to dry and grow rapidly can meet people in poor country. They need minimun food that they can survive in the quandary. Second is to give poor people education to minimize birth rate. Having more baby can be a burden for food supply.
The last thing is to make use of land that can be cultivated. In Japan, uncultivated lands are increasing, while poor people don't have enough land to grow crops. We should recultivate these land so that we can be self sufficient in food.


How should we recultivate farmland in Japan?

After Prime Minister Noda announced that he decided to join TPP, agriculture issues have come to the spotlight. Fruits and vegetables are produced by 2.6M farmers in our country, which makes up 3% of total of the Japanese population.
According to Agriculture and fishery Ministry survey, they reported that Japanese self sufficiency rate in food has droped by less than 40% in 2011. This is based on domestic calory consumption, not domestic gross production.  After World War Ⅱ, Japan has shifted agriculture focused  industry into manufucturing industry, consequently Japan made miracle recovery from the ashes and expanded GDP explosively.

But Japanese government has left agriculture industry issue unsolved.  Apparently there are several critical issues in agriculture.  One thing is, aging problem. farmer's average age is around 65.  Aging farmer and dwindling engagers number are on the rise. Second is labor shortage. Many farmer give up succeeding to their business because there is no successor. Thrid is, total uncultivated land size in Japan has reached as large as Saitama prefecuture. Although we have enough lands to cultivate crops or rice, human resource issue is the key factor to revitalize farm lands.
To recover these declining situation, government decided to pay incentive for unmotivated farmer to quit farming and consolidate farmland to enhance productivity. Japanese Democratic party implemented financial reimbursement system for both full time farmers and part-time farmers in 2007.    
Government pays 15,000 yen per 10 al square of the farmland to protect farmers livelihood. The problem is, whether he is a full time farmer or a part time farmer or not, they can fairly get financial support. There are some opinions arise that government should  pay more the full time farmers rather than the part time farmers to boost agricultural activities and their business. Aside from our domestic issue, the overpopulation around the world will threaten global food supply in the near future. Before we face food crisis, we should make use of our affluent and bountiful mother nature.


Be careful about diabates!!

According to the survey done by International Diabates Fundation in 2011, 366M people in the world ?have?suffered from diabates. this number is up by around 10% in comparison with last year.

It reported that China is the largest ? ?in the world this time. It amounts to 90M patients.?The increase in Asian region is remarkable in this survey.

Food culture to eat cheaper and high calory food are widspread diabites. It is essential that people should have enough exersise and healthy foods.


Bhutan King's speech in Japan.

Which country should people choose to live? On economically rich but mentally ill or mentally rich but economically developing? In my case, I want to live in the mentally saturated society, so I want to live in a place like Bhutan.

Honestly speaking, Bhutan's King and Queen, who came from the most mentally prosperous country  in the world, gave Japanese many hints to live happy life. They visited Japan this week. After they got hospitabilty from Japanese VIP, they visited Soma city, Fukushima Prefecture, where residents are still suffering from devastating tsunami and nuclear accidents at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Royal couple met local residents and gave them strong and cheerful message.

King told the residents that everyone has Dragon in each mind. The dragon can grow stronger if it faces and overcomes tough situation. He was sure that people in Fukushima can raise mighty dragon and revive from this plight. He commented that Japan absolutely will recover from tough situation in the future. He expressed appreciation from aid from Japan. One Japanese has support agriculture in Butan and made Butan flourlished drastically than before.


Global Japanese Part Ⅰ Wild Cat like- Neko Hiroshi

Recently Japan has  been getting tiny like a cat's forehead for open-minded Japanese. Some of the Japanese comedians have become busy because their activity expand dually and globally.

Neko Hiroshi, who is an comedian and has his radio program every Wendsday at local radio, got the nationality of Cambodia.


In his profession, he may be a cat in sheep's clothing(Nekokaburi). But when it comes to runnning, he always shows his real ability. He participated in famous half Marathon which was held in Cambodia last December. He won bronze medal at that contest.

Cambodian Olympic Association admitted his ability and offered him to join the representative as Cambodia athlete for the next Olympic. He will join the South East Asian Marathon contest as a Cambodia representative next time. I hope his success as a international runner!!


Suicide issue: Japan VS Korea

Although Korea has gotten runaway success in global business recently, Korean has also become the most disgraceful country in the world in terms of citizens mental deterioration. More than 40 Korean people are taking away their lives a day because they have become mentally depressed.  This number is the highest in OECD listed countries.      

50 years ago, they fought against communist Koreans, after which, they divided their country into north and south. they established independent cultures. They established a culture wherein the only successful people are those who go to a famous University and work in a big company.

To achieve these goals, parents never hesitate to invest large amount of money to make their children survive in the fierce competition. Mothers willingly take their children to the Philippines to master English, while Gireogi appa* are working to finance tuition. If their children fail to achieve his goal, he will lose his way and reach impasse in his life. After they graduate from famous university, they need to win dog eat dog battle in search of job opportunity. Even after they can successfully enter prestigious company, their competition never end. They keep on protecting the limited job position in the company. They are living with fearing for losing their fames and achievements.
Consequently, people in the wide range of generation commit a suicide in this country.
Compared with Korea, Japan also has high suicide rate, but it is smaller than that of Korea. The reason why Japanese commit a suicide is different from  Although Korean government set many anti-suicide counseling center and campaign.The government doesn't have a complete grasp of those who wanted to kill themselves.

How should we cope with delicate situation in our neighbor?

If Japan try to get along with Asian largest countries,  Uncle Sam certainly feels jerlous of Japanes attitude. If Japan triesto be dependent on the country across the Pacific, communist country complain about Japanese expedient stance.  For Japanese politician, deplomacy is literally like a tightrope walking.  Japanese government always need to express their opinion in delicate manner. Through TPP negotiation this times, I'd like to Prime Minister Noda to learn how to develop tactical discussion skills. American President Ohbama has met three Japanese Prime Minister in his presidency. He surely feels that Japan should launch President system in the election.  


How should we defeat the TPP monster?

As people in the world historically fear unknown threat like Basilisk in ancient anecdotes or Godzilla in modern age, people try to shun these things in daily life. It may be true to the TPP issue in Japan. Maehara Seiji, the chairman of Policy Bureau, commented that TPP was like a monster that haunted anxious Japanese mind.
Previously, I sided with the opposition, but I try to attack this monster in a different perspective. I turned to understand what it is like to join the TPP. I wrongly commented at my previous blog, so I corrected it today.

This time medical service fields are exempted from TPP negotiation. The Japanese Medical Association fiercely opposed the TPP since they fear the medical industry might turn into a profit-generating service.

 Australia and New Zealand are also against the insufficient inspection of BSE-contaminated meat, pesticide-contaminated vegetables,  and genetically modified food entering the domestic market.
Japan will do the same thing and impede the import of low-quality and suspicious meat and produce.

Besides these negotiable fields, we will have to revise our business and other civil law to ratify the TPP.  We need to dig deeper into the background why this TPP monster springs up.  We have not known whole and true image of TPP. Government should disclose all information that they have to the public. Citizens can't judge wether they should  support TPP or not.


Prime Minister Noda is facing 
the new and challenging phase to settle down critical issue, TPP. 

 It seems to be important for Prime Minister Noda to actively join the round table discussion at TPP.
Possiblly he  may have the chance to draw some compromises during his negotiation. 

medical treatment combined with public insurance and 混合診療 
We should not degrade Japanese medical service