

Government should implement national cool biz policy

Although the global warming does not stop instantly and temperature in summer becomes hotter, to make the things worse, we have to reduce energy consumption, but we haven't changed our way of living such as dress code in business this summer.

If government implements the policy that business person are banned from wearing formal jacket, we don't need to keep our workplace so cold with air conditioner, and no tie and eventually leads to the reduction of electric power usage.

I was very exhausted in the commute train yesterday morning. Recently JR(Japan Railway) has stopped air conditioner and light in th e train. In the train, we were too dark to read a newspaper and I gradually got bored because it was humid and hot inside the crowded train.

With grasping the hanging from the ceiling, I thought why we have to wear formal business jacket even though it was so hot. We've seen serious argument through many media how we can lessen electric energy consumption, but why government has not asked business person not to wear exhausting jacket? We have to care about jacket to protect it from crease.  We tend to lose concentration and efficiency in bad condition, so the best way to keep our environment good is to wear no tie and shirt with half sleeve.


USB driven light

In addition to USB driven fun, I bought USB driven light so that I can . As I decided to join the class without any electricity, I started to use this light in my online English class every night.

That is, I disconnect electric source when I join skype English class.
If we keep PC battery full, I can talk with online teacher more than two hours.

The light is not enough to make my room bright and some teachers may fear that a ghost may appear behind me.

We need to prepare for avoiding sudden blackout this summer.


Excellent iPhone software 'Sheet2'

In my opinion, reducing energy consumption means changing every lifestyle we have in our daily life.

I keep on introducing my creative idea and share people who are keen to shrink daily electric power usage.

As we know, many people in the world have owned  smart phones such as  iPhone, Galaxy SiPhone application, We should aggressively use these technological advantage. If we use both smart phone and conventional  PC according to the situation effectively, I'm sure that we can minimize our energy power.

Today, I introduce iPhone application 'sheet2'. This application is like 'Excel for windows'. I acknowledge that this software needs to be improved partly, but I'm sure that we can mitigate routine paperwork by 1/10 speed.

I  recommend this software especially business person, who are busy doing anything except desk work.

We can make rough sheet by texting iPhone at first, then we modify the draft at PC excel.
 We can reduce paperwork time by 1/10 scale.

Let me show you how to use this application.

To minimize electric consumption.

We need to prepare to overcome eletctic power shortage this summer.
We have to reduce our energy consumption by 20% compared with last year.
We can't avoid electric price hike, so we have to create the way we can cut electric
consumption. I try to use this USB fun instead of air conditioner.

I don't know I can get cool air, but I think it is worth trying it!!


電力不足を克服する。(how we can overcome electric power shortage this summer)





1.I've heard that there are several countries which suffer from
 sudden or planned blackout in the world before, but I have never thought we also suffered from shortage of electricity. 

2.We were happy with affluent electricity before we experienced electric power shortage due to devastation of nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture.

3.For the citizens who live in Kanto regions, it is inevitable to reduce electric energy consumption.

4.Electric usage in private sector  has increased in these consecutive years, but we need to reduce electric consumption by 25% compared with last year.











More than 100 viewers visited my site!!

I am very glad to see some viewers access my blog, and the good news is that viewers subscribed to my blog site as a reader!!
I'll definitely make my blog exciting and up-to-date.

My online English teachers who are from the  Philippines are cheering  me up to recover from the disastrous situation.

I think we need to bridge the gap between inside and outside information because some teachers worry about the future in the world. It is true that nuclear accident was caused by a disaster,. But we should acknowledge that human disaster made things worse, such as rumor and equivocal information from the officials in the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, government and Prime Minister.

I'll upload latest infomation in Japan soon.

The following site can explain why Japanease nuclear authority decided to upgrade the standard of nuclear crisis in Fukushina to the level '7'. I'm sorry this site is written in Japanease, but you can get correct information through translation application.




















一つの答えとしては、保安院、原子力安全委員会の選ばれし人(西山さん?)に原子力発電所、浪江村、飯館村に行って自分の足で状況を見に行ってもらい、福島原発から立ち入り可能な境界線で、北茨城で取れた基準値を下回った魚と出荷禁止が解禁されたエリアのホウレンソウを(管 直人がカイワレ大根食べたみたいに)積極的に食べ、微笑みながら、






After the disaster

I would like to offer my sympathy and condolence to people in Tohoku area who are affected on the devastating earthquake, subsequent massive tsunami, and damaged nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture. 

Let's get back to our main story. Although I've commented that I promised to update my blog about "Tokyo love story" like topic, "for better or worse," it headed to an unexpected direction. My boss, who is on the edge of singlehood crisis, tried to grasp her, but she escaped from his territory. I realized that I need to correct this story to prepare a second round of matchmaking. I have been idle to update my blog site for nearly a month because I have suffered from a slight post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Honestly speaking, I hesitated to go to Cairns, Australia because I did not feel like enjoying any leisure at the sight of miserable disaster. But it was not easy to cancel the trip for the following reasons: first of all, we planned to go to the southern island six months ago , so  my daughters looked forward to seeing koalas and kangaroos. We needed to pay a lot of cancelation fees to our travel agency if we do.

 So we we decided to go to Cairns.