

Francesco Schettino, the most irresponsible man in the world.

Absolutely people in the world will never forget this man forever. Francesco Schettino, the captain of Costa Concordia, has become by far the most infamous and irresponsible man in the world. He took  on 13 January 2012. Unlike brave Edward Smith, who was the captain in Titanic, he unguiltfully escaped from the leaning ship before anyone elses. He threw away his imperative duty to save passangers lives. While he is crusing Costa Cruises, he on capsized the luxurious and large scale ferry which accomodated more than 5,000 passangers. 10 lives are still missing now.

He intentionally re-routed the destination and approached Tuscan island of Giglio, where one of his crew member grew up. We just closed to the island so that his partner could wave his hand to the people in the island. He approached so close that his ferry was on the lock.

In his opinions, he accidentally fell to a rescue boat floating on the sea, after that he found that he was not able to go back to the leaned ship, so he managed to row the boat, finally he successfully reached shore sides alone with his disparate passengers on the leaning vessel. There is another rumor that just after his ship was on the rocks and leaned, he ordered his dinner in that ferry and ate it.
After the captain of Coast guard found him alone, he told Schettino that he should go back to the ship. Surprisingly he ignored his warning and picked up a taxi, then he was gone.
On his way home, he called his mother and said that he faced a terrible disaster.
After he came home, the police detained him on the accusation of negligence of his duty and manslaughter.

I worry that this terrible accident could put negative impact on luxury cruise businessEd in Meditreanian.    

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