

Kinjiro Ninomiya: Will Today's Children follow what Kinjiro paved? Part 1

Do we really know what Kinjiro Ninomiya did in his life time? And do we understand how much he contributed to our mental education?  Although we have already known that he is the national icon of diligence in Japan, but most of us do not know who he is exactly. 

In Japanese history, He is known as a agricultural economist and philosopher in during Edo era.
His philosophy was succeeded to the education policy in Meiji era , then it was brought into the mental culture amomg Western countries . His symbolic essence was translated into 'The Book of virtue' written by American author William J. Benett.  

While he was struggling with many issues, he established his original methodology how to reconstruct public finance, what is called, 'Hotoku'. He concluded that social contribution wil reward the contributor in the long run. Additionally, he left many maxims. Here is one of his sayings,

'The Economy without virtue is crime, a virtue without economy is perfect nonsense.'

In 1787, he was born from a poor peasant family in Ashigara, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kayama Ashigarakami gun Sagami province then. He lost his parent and became orphan at the age of 16. He started to live with his uncle. While he was recultivating the small land he rent, he read many books to improve his condition. Even though he went home, he kept on reading with wooden piles on his back. His continuous effort finally expanded his income by renting his small land to grow crops. He became a propety owner when he was 20 years old.

After he reconstructed his family, He was asked to rebuilt Odawara domain by one of samurai family Hattsutori. satisfied with such small success, so he moved to Odawara City to make his business more successful. He served a one of Samurai family. He tackled with many issue in his duty and he gradually got his trust from his Samurai family. One day he was requested by his Samurai boss to save from financial crisis. He tried to reconstruct and he made it. 

After he reconstructed Samurai family's finance, his fame had widspread across the coutries. He was asked to revitalize other Samurai family's finance.

He was a great reconstructor in Japanese history.


Francesco Schettino, the most irresponsible man in the world.

Absolutely people in the world will never forget this man forever. Francesco Schettino, the captain of Costa Concordia, has become by far the most infamous and irresponsible man in the world. He took  on 13 January 2012. Unlike brave Edward Smith, who was the captain in Titanic, he unguiltfully escaped from the leaning ship before anyone elses. He threw away his imperative duty to save passangers lives. While he is crusing Costa Cruises, he on capsized the luxurious and large scale ferry which accomodated more than 5,000 passangers. 10 lives are still missing now.

He intentionally re-routed the destination and approached Tuscan island of Giglio, where one of his crew member grew up. We just closed to the island so that his partner could wave his hand to the people in the island. He approached so close that his ferry was on the lock.

In his opinions, he accidentally fell to a rescue boat floating on the sea, after that he found that he was not able to go back to the leaned ship, so he managed to row the boat, finally he successfully reached shore sides alone with his disparate passengers on the leaning vessel. There is another rumor that just after his ship was on the rocks and leaned, he ordered his dinner in that ferry and ate it.
After the captain of Coast guard found him alone, he told Schettino that he should go back to the ship. Surprisingly he ignored his warning and picked up a taxi, then he was gone.
On his way home, he called his mother and said that he faced a terrible disaster.
After he came home, the police detained him on the accusation of negligence of his duty and manslaughter.

I worry that this terrible accident could put negative impact on luxury cruise businessEd in Meditreanian.    


Evolving entertainment: Kidzania

When it comes to the icon of the Innovative produc or services, people hit on itunes or rumba. They are made in U.S.


Sharp up!! Our Police!!

The current trilogy of thrilling crime news, which police shamefully produced in a sense, caused a sensetion to not only TV viewers at home but also residents in the neighboring city. Each ending of the incidents in this series had good or bitter ones.

First story:
Hirata makoto, who belonged to the religous terrorist group Aum, was allegedly involved in the abduction and murder. Kariya Kiyoshi, who worked at Meguro notary public office, was killed by them. Hirata had been chased by police for more than 17 years. According to media report, he decided to give himself up to police because he sympathized with the affected people in Tohoku. At first he voluntarily went to the Metropolitan Police Office located in Kasumigaseki, but the police officer did not arrest him on the spot and ordered him to go to Marunouchi police station by himself, then he went to the police station and finally he fullfilled his mission without any trouble.
They should have arrested him immediately because they have developed extensive manhunt for a long period.

Second:Wang Huan
He is a Taiwanese criminal who killed two Taiwanese female language school students in Ueno, Taito district, Tokyo, 10 days ago. He fled from police chase, but he failed to escape. He was detained in Nagoya. Just before he was taken to a police station, he cut his throat with his hidden knife. He took his life away and police did not fullfill their mission.

Third: Li Guo lin
He is a Chinese prisoner's who executed jailbreak, which drove residents in Hiroshima city to the abyss of fear. Last Wendesday Li, who was sentenced to jail, escaped from the jail located in the center of Hiroshima city. He climbed up the guard wall by a ladder. Successfuly he was able to bleathe outside air like Tim Robins in 'Shawshank redumption' or Steve Maqueen in 'Great Escape'. Supposedly he did not have any energy to thrust his fist. It was so cold that he could not go far away from the prison. After he stole the clothes at one house and called his friends or relatives to help him, he absconded in prison's neighbor for three days. Finally police took him into custody on the street.

If their lacking the sense of tension developed this triology, they need to regain a tense atomosphere. We hope they will not encounter the ridiculous incidents.


Strong detterent: Servailance camera in Japan

Throny issue: oil battle

While we were relaxing new year vacation, the tension between  Western countries and Iran at Hormz strait has increased.

Hormz strait is the most essential artery that more than 50% of tankers in the world transport oil. If Iran try to close the strait, sudden oil shortage will freeze global economy. U.S., China, South Korea and Japan severly suffer from the trouble.

So far U.S. and British government is preparing the closure of Hormz strait. They deploy several militarly ships to Gulf coast so that they can protect their oils.


Resolution for 2012

As I am the househosband who are juggling between household and jobs, I can deeply understand how much tough household parents needed to do many tasks simultaneotsly on the very year end day, they were very busy cleaning whole of their house with listening to BBC news or NHK World English, preparing new year greeting cards, and making special dishes for new year days while their children are running in their house. They might need more attention to their kids rather than doing year end tasks. After I finihsed their duty, I was not free because I went to parents in law's house and celebrate the year end day. Although I wanted to see debate TVprogram battle between Anti nuclear VS possitive nuclear group, the majority of my large family wanted to see male VS female music festival(Ko-haku music festival) ,so I have no choice but to see music program. Basically I enjoyed watching slim leg dance created by Girls generation, but the song which I was moved most was 'Scenic Winter beauty  in Tsugaru Strait(Tsugarukaikyo Fuyugeshiki)' by Ishikawa Sayuri.

Beyond that, I spent most of my year end vacation taking care of my children and supporting parents in laws.

This year, I promise that I will pass Eiken 1st grade and over TOEIC 900 score. I will spend most of my private time in learning English beside taking care of my children and my wife. These are my resolution for 2012!!