

Topic:Does our government need more regulation for free speech?

Our government should restrict free speech if it is related to information leakage which may trigger large-scale diplomatic confusion. I’ll show the following standard Government should censor.
First of all, it may lead to international conflict. For example, some confidential and delicate information among countries are leaked through unofficial roots like WikiLeak. Former Russian Prime Minister Putin scrutinized American government for regarding him as an alpha dog. The leakage developed internationally. So the governmental information should be restricted and not easily disclosed.

Secondly, it is a ground for invasion of privacy. As our civil law guarantees our privacy to live safely, however intrusion of privacy is increasing because people can now voice out unwanted  comments through social networks. So government should estaAblish some rules to restrict unwarranted free speech.

Lastly, it might lead to detriment from rumors. Once rumors permeate into the society, we have difficulty in extinguishing them. The contamination of radioactive substance in Japan is a typical example. There is no concrete evidence, but people shun raw foods such as vegitables and fish produced in neighboring Fukushima prefecture. Government should actively integrate the information to minimize misleading information.

In conclusion, our government should establish some rules to restrict unwarranted free speech.
(205 words)
*This writing is aimed for Eiken 1st grade preparetion.

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