

Topic: Are today's people in the world losing moral values?

Unfortunately I have to admit that people today are losing moral values.
There are following reasons why they are on the edge of extinction of moral values.

First of all, educational system has been contributing to the lowering of  moral values.
The current academe has focused on how to effectively pass the tough entrance examination rather than on how to be morally and publicly responsible.
For example, if there is an elderly and a student or healthy adult who has a seat in a train, it is natural that they give the seat to the aged and stand. But many young neglect to do so. They forget to publicly show moral values.

Second is family relationship.In the early 20th centuries, most of Japanese usually belonged to large family. Children were strictly taught not to make others annoyed not only by their parents but also by their grandparents.Unlike the past age, children today have less opportunities to be polite in public because most of them belong to small family and without their grandparents who give them good advice.

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