

Horrible and true story

I'm sorry that I neglected to update my blog because of an insufficient zaky energy.

As tough summer has come to metropolitan area, we have to fight against burning hell.
I have already finished preparing hot season, so I just wait and see when sudden blackout will occur.

This summer we have to reduce electric energy consumption individually. Goverment also has already ordered electric companies to limit the electric consumption by 15%  at previous year levels.  If the paticular
designated company break the rule, the electric company can get fine from outlaw companies.

What an awful situation!! To make our uncomfortably hot situation cool, I'll introduce my horrible actual story that I experienced yesterday. I'm sure that this story is cooler than "Hanako San in the bathroom" or well-known"Yotsuya ghost stories".

Yesterday I received a email from the staff who worked at indirect department and decided to leave our company. I instantly found that it was farewell message to other staff. The former part of his greeting was very discreet. According to his email, he felt very sorry that he could not express his thanksfulness to the staff who supported him and hoped that our company would be more successful in the future.

But carefully checked, he left the latter part of his message below the two or three blank, so someone missed his additional words.

That message precipitated almost all viewer into horrible abyss.
The following is his message:

"Here is my email address.  XXXX(his real name)@crocodile tears  According to his strong wishes, he firmly refuses any floral tribute and condolence payment."

At first I can't understand what he wanted to say. Checked more about his email, he sent this email not only to himself but also to anonymous staff by using BCC(Blind Carbon Copy). I gradually realized that he tried to take his life away.  I became very scared and felt my heart  quicken.

Next morning I asked my colleagues if they received the  scarring email or not. All staff at headquarter might receive it. Most of them supposed that he might get axe due to his age and company's budget cuts.

No one knows if he is still alive.

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