

What has he achieved?

After Donald Trump met Kim Jong Un, what has he achieved?

At first, Trump played down Kim Jong Un ‘rocket man’ because Kim shot many ballistic missiles from North Korean Peninsula to intimidate the neighboring countries including Japan and even U.S.
Eventually he changed his attitude toward him because Kim
promised to meet him.

For Donald Trump, meeting with Kim Jong Un has brought very
big impact on mid term election for U.S. president because
it was the first time that an incumbent U.S. president met with
a North Korean leader officially.

Their meeting was memorable, however there was not so much achievement from the meeting.


Typhoon Jongdari

I’m not the professional weather forecaster but amateur blogger, however I have a wide variety of topics that cover
natural disaster around us these day. Therefore I’ve uploaded the topic  related to coming typhoon. 

The Jongdari, the 12th storm of the year is taking unusual turn to the west for the two reasons. 

First one is that, cold vortex is staying in the southern coastal part of the Tokai region, the said vortex is rotating counterclockwise and it draws the coming typhoon near because it rotates in the same direction.

The other factor is its because of the high pressure covering from Korean peninsula and northern east part of Japan, which impeded the typhoon from going to northern east direction, these two elements caused the abnormal course of typhoon this time.

We hope affected people who live in Chugoku region will be
able to minimize the damage from the coming typhoon.


Summer of 2018

This year we have the most bitter summer in these decades. Stranded low pressure in southern west of Japan poured huge amount of rain especially in Chugoku regions two weeks ago.
The residents who lived in Hiroshima experienced deadly landslides and floods. In this region, more than 200 victims were affected by terrible natural disaster. Especially in Hiroshima 68 residents of total 200 casualities were killed by the catastrophy.
The scale of the calamity was beyond our imagination this time.

The rivers that have never been over flood were inundated at many places, consequently more than 5,000 houses were destroyed by the large scale disaster. 

What was worse, due to the destruction of infrastructures, such as sewage, pipline for fresh water were also devastated, water shortage affect the restoration of the aftermath.

Furthermore, heat wave also bring more burden for affected people because they suffer from poor water supply. We strongly hope that affected people will recover from disastrous situation.

Hiioshima experienced terrible landslides 4 years ago, which deprived almost 100 lives in northern west of Hiroshima. Even though sun shined after the torrential rains, the wild pond on top of some mountain collaposed, cosequentlly it caused another unexpected flood on sunny day. The unexpected flood ruined the affected region again.


Is the burning issue really over?

The suicidal blazes that happened in Shinkansen last week left traces in Japan, where the public safty is said to the best in the world. We've never heard this kind of shocking news in related to Shinkansen. In this accident, more than twenty passengers were injured and one passenger died from suffocation. Compared with other middle east countries, the suicidal burning this time is not related to terrorist attack. The cause of incident was about the self distruction.

The man who commited suicide was  in deep debt. He didn't have enough money to pay for the rental fee for his apartment. He told his local official, who was in charge of social walfare service,  that he doesn't want to live any more because his pension is not enough to support did his daily needs  and especially with monthly payment. He reached deadlock in his life and consequently he bought one way ticket to the demolition with collateral damage.

In my opinion, this is just the tip of iceberg. According to the survey done by the Japanese Healthcare and Labor Ministry in 2013, it said that 62.4% of the families felt their lives were very tough due to the consumption tax hike from 5% to 8% in 2013. Many citizens who start to complain about thier hardships gradually increasing increasing now. If these random suicide recur at public transportation or public place, ordinary citizens may become victims again. We should make safety net that can save the poor people to extinguish burning social alienation issue.


Business trip to Germany

After I arrived at Zurich airport, taxi driver who held a paging board written in my name, picked me up and took me to my hotel.

In my frist and second days, I stayed at hotel which was located in a In my frist and second days, I stayed at hotel which was located in a very small town 'Gaijingen'.   
After I arrived at Zurich airport, taxi driver who held a paging board written in my name, picked me up and took me to my hotel.

In my frist and second days, I stayed at hotel which was located in a In my frist and second days, I stayed at hotel which was located in a very small town 'Gaijingen'.   


Asahi Shinbun should have responsibility for twisted information about comfort women issue.

South Korean comfort women during WWⅡ issue was fabricated by Japanese media "Asahi Shinbun," which severely has undermined and afflicted the Japanese cultural value globally for more than 30 years.

Asahi Shinbun has already lost its social responsibility which is to broadcast the news publicly.

South Korean President Park Kunhe, whoes father built a great empire of exporting their prostitute to the world,  persistently insisted that Japan should have responsibility for mistreating South Korean prostitutes like slaves.

The relationship between Japan and South Korea will never be restored at least these 1000 years. While the Japanese embrace forgiveness, the South Koreans embrace grudge. In Hangul, ‘han' means against neighboring country.

It is very reasonable to shun each other forever.